Project Questionnaire Name * First Name Last Name Today's Date * MM DD YYYY In all of the questions below, if the question is not applicable, please enter N/A. Section A: Background and Personal Experience How long have you been playing the highland bagpipes? * Less than 1 year 1 - 2 years 2 - 3 years 3 - 5 years 5 or more years Have you received formal (i.e., class or individual tutorial) lessons, and if so, where and when? * If you're taking (or have taken) online lessons, please see Digital Engagement below Section B: Engagement with Piping How many complete sets (drone + chanter) of pipes do you have? * Tell me about your "main" bagipes. What make of drones do you play? (Henderson, Naill, etc.) * What kind of chanter do you play on your "main" set of pipes? (Henderson, Naill, etc.) * Do you play any other instruments, and if so, which ones? (i.e., piano, tin whistle, etc.). If you play other kinds of pipes, please see the questions below) * Do you play any related types of Scottish-related bagpipes (small pipes, border pipes)? * Do you play other kinds of non-Scottish bagpipes (Uilleann, Northumbrian, Asturian, etc.) * If you play an “alternative” kind of pipe (small pipes, shuttle pipes, etc.), how much time do you spend playing those pipes as opposed to playing the highland pipes? * How much time to you spend playing other kinds of pipes as opposed to playing the highland pipes? Digital Engagement Do you engage with piping music digitally or online? (Recordings, streaming, YouTube, etc.) Please elaborate. * Do you engage with piping using Social Media? (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.). If so, what platforms do you follow bagpipe-related content on? * Do you listen to any piping-related podcasts? If so, which ones, and for how long have you been listening? * What, if any, software, do you use to collect, print, and share tune settings? * Have you ever, or do you currently, take lessons online (Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc.)? * Section C: Challenges and Opportunities Have you ever encountered situations where you’ve be asked to stop playing and/or practicing? Please elaborate. * How long do your pipe chanter reeds last, on average? * How much would you estimate you spend per year on piping (reeds, pipes, maintenance items, lessons, etc.)? * $ Do you own your instrument(s), or do you use borrowed/rented ones? * When you play on your own (not in a band), how do you choose the tunes you want to learn? * How often do you perform basic maintenance on your pipes (oiling, cleaning, polishing, drying)? * How do you balance between sticking to traditional ways of playing (i.e., “set pieces” from books) and incorporating your own style? * Who are your piping inspiration(s) and why? * When it comes to crossover music (i.e., pipes as part of non-traditional venues), how do you feel about watching or listening to the pipes outside of “traditional” settings? * Section D. Band Participation If you are not a pipe band member, please put N/A in the field. Do you consider yourself an active member of a pipe band? If so, which one(s)? * How long have you been a pipe band member? * Not Applicable, I am not a pipe band member Less than 1 year 1 - 2 years 2 - 4 years 4 or more years What is your role in the pipe band, if applicable? * How often do you participate in band practice? * Not Applicable, I am not a pipe band member Weekly Every two weeks Several times a month Monthly Yearly I don't go to band practice Have you ever taken a break from participating in band participation, and if so, why, and for how long? * What percentage of band events would you say you participate in? * Not Applicable, I am not a pipe band member Less than 10% 10% to 25% 25% to 50% 50% - 100% 100% I don't go to band events Section E: Band Leadership On a scale from 1 – 10 (1 being least controlling, 10 being most controlling), how would you rate the leadership style of your pipe band? * How does the leadership style of the band encourage (or discourage you) from participating in practice and/or events? * How do you see yourself participating in a pipe band in the near future? In the long-term? * F. Non-Piping Scottish Events Aside from piping events (games, competitions, practice), how often do you participate in “Scottish” events. Describe what kind of event(s) these are. (i.e., Burns Nights, Highland Games, etc.) * Do you read magazines, watch television, visit websites, listen to podcasts, or travel to places related to Scottish history or culture? Please elaborate. * Have you ever travelled to Scotland? If so, how often, and what were the circumstances? * Section G: Ethnic and Gender Identity How would you describe your ethnic identity? Hispanic or Latino A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin) American Indian or Alaska Native (A person with origins in the original peoples of North and South America) Asian (A person with origins in the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent) Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White/Caucasian (European, other than Spanish) Mixed, or not specified How do you describe your gender identity? Male or man Female or woman Androgynous Agender Transgender Genderqueer Gender non-conforming Gender Fluid Is there anything else you’d like me to know? Thank you for your participation and time!